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Project 6- Wireless 'Self' 

‘Wireless-self’ explains how the internet and social media allows people to hide under a mask and be themselves. It is the use of positivity that can be spread throughout these platforms. Showing the internet and social media are places of creativity and expression which have supported and helped many people. This is a digital trend but it can also be a trend for a lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and influencers.

A brand concept proposal is important for connectivity to a trend. It identifies the existing communication channels for a brand, allowing for development to gain the attention needed. This is a forward drive for the trend and develops the brand identity for its consumers.

The following brand concept proposal is based on digital communication and connectivity from online sites of masked consumers (the trend wireless self). The brand, Wasted Heroes, communicates through an online site where artists can speak freely and share their digital music. This brand and trend are a great match as they both use visual communication online to connect to their consumers.

As the digital world has a big impact on everyday life and how people communicate, this brand concept follows the idea of how connectivity can happen through a virtual life as well as reality. In order for the consumers to understand the identity of the brand, it is important that it complements the trend and there is clear communication through technology and social media as these are the main platforms for the drive.

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