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Project 1 - Fashion Or Politics

The mood boards I created looked at the difference between political statements made with intent in the industry and those made simply to gain more publicity.

This project was based contemporary issue in the fashion industry.  Choosing to look at whether political statements made within the industry were actually made with integrity, or whether they were just following current trends to attract more attention from the media and consumers.

I looked at high-end brand fashion shows and focused on celebrities, brands and influencers. I found that in the past these political statements were made with a real intention to change public views on issues such as equality, rights and freedom of expression. However, more recently brands have used political statements to simply gain attention from their consumers by following the general trend towards issues such as feminism, criticising the government and supporting protests. These recent campaigns lack the true intention and can be seen as more superficial attempts to gain popularity rather than challenge society's views.


Fashion Or Politics Cover
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